Each audio session is known as a community ‘Event’ and each Event ranges from 15 - 60 minutes in duration. Events/topics could be related to singleness, dating, relationships, and faith. Equally, they can be about current affairs, hobbies, sport, comedy or anything else that takes people's interest and that hosts are particularly passionate or knowledgeable about. Serious, funny, broad-ranging, or niche - we're excited to hear it all! There is no ‘one size fits all’ formula - as long as Events are aligned with the overall objectives of having interesting content and topics, good discussion, audience participation, and building Christian community.
Events may take the form of short-talks with follow-up group discussion, Q&A sessions, interviews with well-known people or influencers, ‘Ask me anything’ sessions with relevant guest speakers, and fun/social get-togethers with ice-breakers, introductions, and games.